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What’s Going On with Summer Sports in Lewiston-Auburn?


Close-up Of Various Sport Equipments On Pitch Against Bokeh Background

If you’re a sports fan(atic) like most of us are here at Maine Source Homes & Realty, you’ve probably been wondering: “How is the pandemic affecting summer sports in Lewiston-Auburn?” Here’s what we’ve learned:

Embracing CDC Sports Guidelines

Here in Lewiston-Auburn, both the city government and the private organizations that run sports leagues, such as Lewiston Baseball & Softball, are operating in a way that is very mindful of health protocols and of specific CDC guidelines pertaining to youth sports. So far, this has led to some season cancellations, but also to decisions being delayed until our local leaders can get additional information.

For example, Auburn Suburban Baseball and Softball’s board of directors voted on May 18 to cancel its 2020 youth baseball and softball seasons outright. Board president Travis Bashaw told the Lewiston Sun Journal that the decision was very difficult, but that “given the known and unknown nature of the pandemic, having a season could not be done safely in a timely manner.”

Meanwhile, privately-run Lewiston Baseball & Softball, while being very cautious, has been signing up youth participants and preparing to run a modified season starting this month. As of the writing of this post, their Facebook page reads, “We are still waiting for State guidelines and approval before we finalize our plan.” Updates will be posted here.

YMCA Sports on Hold

Each summer, parents and kids in Lewiston-Auburn enjoy a wide array of sports opportunities at the YMCA of Auburn-Lewiston, including basketball, gymnastics, archery, and swimming. But the “Y” has been closed since March 16, and has not yet announced when it will reopen. Updates can be obtained here.

Pro Sports Update

Of course, another huge part of summer fun is watching sports on TV, and the major sports leagues now seem to be moving rapidly toward resuming games. Here in Maine, we may be able to watch our beloved Celtics, Bruins, and Red Sox again soon, as NBA teams are now holding workouts, the NHL is considering expanded playoffs, and Major League Baseball is considering a plan that would call for Opening Day in July.

A Final Word

Here at Maine Source Homes & Realty, we believe sports are one of the most enriching and memorable ways to foster personal character and good sportsmanship. That’s why we have so proudly sponsored the little gang of vivacious 4- and 5-year-old T-ball players known as The Maine Source Bumble Bees. With sports, we can all embrace each other and work together to achieve positive goals. And that has never been more important.

If you are seeking to buy, sell, or build a home in the Lewiston-Auburn area, we invite you to contact us today.

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