All Homes in Waldo

$100000 - $150000, $150000 - $200000, $200000 - $250000, $250000 - $300000, $300000 - $350000,

$350000 - $400000, $400000 - $450000, $450000 - $500000, $500000 - $550000, $550000 - $600000,

$600000 - $650000, $650000 - $700000, $700000 - $750000, $750000 - $800000, $800000 - $850000,

$850000 - $900000, $900000 - $950000, $950000 - $1000000, $1000000+

Mp11Lot1-1 Curtis (in Monroe) Road Swanville, ME 04915

24 Peacedale Drive Northport, ME 04849

355 Lincolnville Avenue Belfast, ME 04915

41 Sandy Ridge Lane Searsport, ME 04974

11 Chestnut Street Unity, ME 04988

7 & 9 E Main Street Monroe, ME 04951

00 Mariner's Watch Road Northport, ME 04849

R-3 L2-A Beech Hill Road Northport, ME 04849

R-3 L5 Beech Hill Road Northport, ME 04849

243 Lang Hill Highway Brooks, ME 04921

1260 Moosehead Trail Jackson, ME 04921

27 Loon Landing Liberty, ME 04949

399 Hermit's Point Road Islesboro, ME 04848

Lot 3 Back Troy Road Unity, ME 04988

251 Moosehead Trail Waldo, ME 04915

389 Waldo Station Road Waldo, ME 04915

Lot 5.1 Muzzy Ridge Road Searsmont, ME 04973

433 Albion Road Unity, ME 04988

1 Whispering Berries Hill Liberty, ME 04949

12D & 12I Mildred Grace Road Islesboro, ME 04848

2521 Atlantic Highway Lincolnville, ME 04849

39 Sandy Ridge Lane Searsport, ME 04974

Lot#13-2B Tyler Lane Lane Frankfort, ME 04438

1900 Route 3 Palermo, ME 04354

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