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6 DIY House Interior Updates to Spruce Up Your Home

6 DIY House Interior Updates to Spruce Up Your Home - Maine Source Homes and Realty

6 DIY House Interior Updates to Spruce Up Your Home - Maine Source Homes and Realty

It’s a pretty cool concept—one that benefits you enormously. If you own a typical house in Maine, the value of your house has risen dramatically since the pandemic began. And by tackling a few DIY house interior updates, you can single-handedly enhance the market value of your house even MORE. Here are 6 DIY house interior updates that will enable you to do just that!


One of the simplest things you can do—painting walls, ceilings, cabinets, etc.—is also one of the things that will have the greatest “refresher impact.” It usually doesn’t take too long, and a fresh splash of paint and/or new paint color can dramatically upgrade the entire look of your interiors.

Replace Outdated Light Fixtures

If your home interior still has too much of an 80s or 90s vibe, replacing light fixtures is one of the great DIY house interior updates that can be accomplished without much fuss. And doing so can instantly update a room or entryway for relatively little cost. If a certain room seems dark, upgrade to brighter, money-saving LED bulbs, and place them where more light would be most beneficial.

Update Cabinet Hardware

Nothing says “blah kitchen or bathroom” more than old-fashioned, overstayed-their-welcome handle pulls and knobs. So bring a fresh, modern-day look to your cabinetry by updating and modernizing its hardware. Depending on your design preference, there are many classy-looking options that won’t break the bank.

Restain Hardwood Floors

If your hardwood floors have lost their luster, restaining them is one of the great DIY house interior updates you can engage in. Start by assessing the damage to your floors. If they only show minor scratches, you can probably simply buff and add a new coat of varnish. After you’re done, you’ll see what a world of difference it makes!

Accentuate a Focal Point

One of the most common rules espoused by high-priced interior designers is “Accentuate a Focal Point.” Luckily, you can do it all on your own—and for far less money! Go into each room and entryway and determine its focal point—something impactful and eye-catching in that space, such as a wall or fireplace. Then, accentuate that element by painting it a unique color, retiling it, or using wallpaper to enhance it.

Add Décor and Decorative Accents

Once you’ve done some or all of the above, you’re ready for the icing on the cake. Go into each room and decorate it by “adding layers” that enhance the space’s depth, interest, and texture. Think pillows, trays, rugs, and artwork!

When you wish to sell your house in Maine—or buy one so you can live exactly where you want to live—we’re here to offer friendly, professional assistance. We invite you to contact us today.

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