Selling your home this spring? Join the club! According to extensive research, the best time to maximize return and minimize “on-the-market time” is in the spring. But, of course, most sellers realize this—meaning you face stiff competition.

So how can you get a big advantage when you’re selling your home? Here’s how!

Fix Up, But Don’t “Over-Upgrade”

Making necessary repairs … fixing everything … cleaning the house … these steps pay huge dividends when you go to sell. But massive upgrades? Not so much. They likely won’t pay for themselves, whereas simple, straightforward projects such as fresh paint on walls, new curtains, etc., definitely will.

“Sell the Kitchen”

One powerful secret of selling your home is to think on a different level. As one real estate professional put it: “You’re not actually selling your house, you’re selling your kitchen.” While (as we just discussed) you don’t want to “over-upgrade,” the kitchen is definitely the place to do cost-effective do-overs. Give its walls a fresh coat of neutral-colored paint, and upgrade cabinet hardware. Also consider adding one fancy, stainless-steel appliance.

Remove Your Personality

Buyers want to envision themselves living in your house. So keep a warm vibe, but one that’s not specific to your personality. A good rule of thumb is to remove at least one-third of your personal stuff, and give it away or put it in storage.

Empty Closets and Cabinets as Much as Possible

One of the greatest desires of buyers is for maximum storage capacity. So take at least half of the clothes and other stuff out of your closets and cabinets, then thoroughly clean and neatly organize what’s left.

Hide the Traces of Lassie and Garfield

If you’re a “dog person” or “cat person,” you may think the presence of your pet and her stuff will warm a buyer’s heart. But most homebuyers don’t want to see a bowl full of dog food or –worse—kitty litter. So send Lassie and Garfield and their stuff to a pet hotel or friend’s house whenever you’re showing your house.


Use Flowers to Score a Great First Impression

Buyers start judging your home the second they see it. So score a great first impression by using flowers to dramatically enhance “curb appeal” and exterior appeal. Spruce up your front lawn, walkway, and window boxes with lovely, bright-colored flowers. And make sure you tackle other important check-list items, to maximize your chances of selling your home quickly!

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Maine Source Homes & Realty is dedicated to helping you find your perfect home-ownership solution. Whether you wish to buy, sell, or build a home, Maine Source Homes & Realty invites you to benefit from our 48 years of trustworthy experience and expertise. Contact us today!

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