Throughout 2022, Maine Source Homes & Realty has been honored to celebrate our 50th anniversary by powerfully giving back to our local community. We’ve done this by supporting 6 specific local nonprofits who are making a powerful, uplifting difference here in Maine. We call our campaign “Helping Our Neighbors,” and our November-December beneficiary is Full Plates Full Potential. Here’s why they were selected.

Battling Child Hunger in Maine

Did you know that 139,410 people in Maine are facing hunger—and that 39,990 are children? This heartbreaking, ongoing problem was the primary reason why a member of Maine’s most famous philanthropic family, Justin Alfond, teamed up with John Woods in 2014 to establish Full Plates Full Potential. Under the banner “No Child Should Grow Up Hungry,” the organization began to take a collaborative approach—working with numerous individuals and organizations throughout Maine—to battle food-insecurity in children.

Maximizing Access to Nutritious Food

The specific strategy utilized by Full Plates Full Potential is to maximize access to USDA Child Nutrition Programs—commonly called school lunch, school breakfast, afterschool meals, and summer meals—which promise free meals to every child who needs them. And there’s no doubt Maine children DO need them. Even prior to the pandemic, fully 80,000 children in Maine schools relied on school meals daily. Due to school disruptions and economic hardships caused by COVID-19, that number has only gone up.

Lovingly Breaking Down Barriers

Right from the start, Full Plates Full Potential understood that empowering access to school lunch programs was the cornerstone of battling food-insecurity in Maine children—and that breaking down access-barriers was therefore crucial. That’s why Full Plates Full Potential works to remove logistical and social barriers by providing technical and financial assistance to schools and communities across the state to help feed kids now. It does this while also advocating for systemic changes necessary to ensure that all Maine children have consistent access to nutritious meals.

A Mission and a Vision

Ultimately—the folks at Full Plates Full Potential assert—they want to be so SUPPORTED and so SUPPORTIVE that there is no longer a need for their service, because there is no more food-insecurity among children in Maine. “We envision a future where the work of Full Plates is obsolete,” they say. We invite you to help them make that dream a reality.

 To offer a much-appreciated donation to Full Plates Full Potential, please send a check payable to “Full Plates Full Potential to:

Full Plates Full Potential

14 Maine Street, Box 3

Brunswick, ME 04011

Or make a secure online donation here.


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