Maine First Time Home-Buyer Process

Maine First Time Home-Buyer Process

Here at Maine Source Homes & Realty, we like to say we “wear three hats”—we help folks sell homes, build homes, and buy homes. While we’re wearing that third “hat,” people ask us, “What is the first-time home buyer process in Maine?” Here’s a clear, step-by-step...
The Closing Process: Buyer’s Perspective

The Closing Process: Buyer’s Perspective

The Closing Process: Buyer’s Perspective Here at Maine Source Homes & Realty, we never get tired of helping home buyers with the closing process. If nothing else, we love to see the excited look on your face! You’ve gone through the process of looking at home...
Top Real Estate Myths Debunked

Top Real Estate Myths Debunked

Do you dream of owning your own home—but believe you CAN’T because of “facts” you’ve heard about home ownership?  The simple truth is, many of the most common, no-can-do “facts” about home ownership are actually just real estate MYTHS. Let’s take a couple of minutes...
Why You Need a Buyer Agent in a Seller’s Market

Why You Need a Buyer Agent in a Seller’s Market

  Wow! Is the Maine real estate market hot, or what!  Not long ago, a huge headline in the Portland Press Herald said it all: “Maine Real Estate Market Continues Streak of Record-Breaking Home Sales.” But there’s “good news / bad news” in this. If you’re selling...
3 Great Reasons to Buy a Home in Maine—NOW

3 Great Reasons to Buy a Home in Maine—NOW

  Have you always dreamed of living in Maine? Would you love to buy a home in the Lewiston-Auburn area? Do you suspect NOW might be a good time to buy, because of Maine’s strong economy … historic low unemployment rate … and over-all wonderful quality of life?...

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