Maine Homeowner’s Checklist

Maine Homeowner’s Checklist

One of the smartest things you can do as a Maine homeowner is to create your own Maine Homeowner’s Checklist. By doing this—and performing the actions on your list—you’ll be maximizing the odds that your house and property will steadily increase in value through the...
Maine Homeowner Tax Exemptions

Maine Homeowner Tax Exemptions

Maine Homeowner Tax Exemptions One great benefit of buying a home from Maine Source Homes & Realty is it allows you to qualify for key Maine homeowner tax exemptions. According to the latest state-specific tax information, the property-tax burden in Maine is...
10 Garage-Organization Hacks

10 Garage-Organization Hacks

Does your garage look like it was in the path of a Hurricane? Do you walk into it and groan, “OH, no! What a TOTAL mess!” Whether you’re staging your home to sell it—or simply want it to be as clean and clutter-free as possible—here are 10 hacks (tips) for smart...
Why Green Home-Building is Surprisingly Affordable

Why Green Home-Building is Surprisingly Affordable

  Here’s a quick question for you: When you think “green home-building,” do you think “great for the environment—not so great for my wallet!” If you do, you’re like a lot of folks. But we have great news for you: Thanks to many technological breakthroughs,...
5 Energy-Efficiency Tips for Winter in Maine

5 Energy-Efficiency Tips for Winter in Maine

With winter right around the corner, Maine’s weather is about to change big-time. You know what that means: Mind-numbing cold and Old Man Winter bound and determined to affect your life from now through March. One thing winter DOESN’T have to mean is ridiculously high...

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