5 Best-Kept Secrets of Selling Your Home in Spring

5 Best-Kept Secrets of Selling Your Home in Spring

Selling your home this spring? Join the club! According to extensive research, the best time to maximize return and minimize “on-the-market time” is in the spring. But, of course, most sellers realize this—meaning you face stiff competition. So how can you get a big...
5 Great Ski Resorts Near Lewiston-Auburn

5 Great Ski Resorts Near Lewiston-Auburn

One of the million-and-one GREAT things about ski resorts near Lewiston-Auburn is that everyone there is in a great mood. And that’s when the humor comes out. For example, you might hear someone turn into a Human Bumper Sticker and say, “My life is going downhill!” If...
Why Buying a House in Maine During Winter Makes Sense

Why Buying a House in Maine During Winter Makes Sense

Are you super-excited about buying a house in Central Maine or Southern Maine? You’re not alone! People from around the world come here to enjoy our down-home, neighborly New England way of life—a lifestyle often difficult to find anywhere else. But while buying a...

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